Case Studies / LEIVIP B2B Fashion


Facebook Ads · Google Ad



Cut on Cost Per Lead


Increase in Sales

Italian B2B Fashion Wholesaler Amplifies Sales through Strategic Facebook and Google Ads Campaigns


An established Italian B2B fashion wholesaler faced a challenging landscape with the onset of global changes in the retail sector. Recognizing the need to innovate their digital marketing strategy, they partnered with our agency to enhance their online presence and sales through targeted Facebook and Google Ads campaigns.


Despite a robust catalog of high-fashion items, the wholesaler was not capitalizing on their digital potential. They needed to navigate the complexities of online B2B marketing and reach their target audience more effectively. The primary goals were to generate qualified leads, increase conversions, and maximize their ad spend ROI.


Our agency embarked on a multi-phase digital marketing overhaul beginning in March 2023. The strategy was tailored to incrementally build the wholesaler's online presence, optimize their marketing funnel, and scale their advertising efforts effectively.

Phase 1: Foundational Revamp (March 2023)

Email Marketing Overhaul: Implemented UTM tracking and refined email copy for better conversion rates.

Content Refinement: Enhanced logic and branding in video scripts and improved shooting and editing techniques.

Phase 2: Facebook Ad Optimization (April 2023)

Creative Testing: Launched video ads with A/B testing for performance-driven optimization.

ROAS Focus: Concentrated efforts on improving Return on Ad Spend through precise ad targeting and retargeting.

Phase 3: Comprehensive Funnel Optimization (May - June 2023)

Product Page Enhancements: A/B tested product and category pages to improve user experience.

Geographic Tailoring: Developed targeted campaigns for IT, USA, EU, and CA markets with individualized optimization.

Phase 4: Advanced Scaling and Creative Refinement (July - August 2023)

Creative Version Testing: Iterated ad versions to refine messaging and visual appeal.

Strategic Planning: Prepared for the holiday season and planned for a significant scaling of ad budget.

Phase 5: Aggressive Scaling (September 2023)

Budget Maximization: Scaled the ad budget to €10k, focusing on maximizing reach and conversions.


The campaign resulted in a remarkable boost in lead generation and sales for the wholesaler:

Lead Generation: Over 21,000 leads generated with an average cost as low as €2.5 per lead.

Cost Efficiency: Decreased the cost per click from €0.86 in March to an impressive €0.24 in September.

Sales Growth: Achieved a significant increase in in-store traffic and a 67% surge in sales, while maintaining the same €6,000 ad budget.

ROAS: Maintained a robust ROAS throughout the campaign, with an exceptional peak in July, reflecting the effectiveness of the tailored strategies.

When you’re ready to discover the success formula of growth, your business can flourish with UNI Marketing Agency. We’re always here to help guide you through the market, strategize your brand, and make your investment worth every penny.

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